
When it comes to outdoor events, choose IDEA Expo!


Impressive and safe stands at the largest agricultural fair in Poland

Here is a photo report from the AgroShow in Bednary, the largest outdoor agricultural fair in Poland. As the contractor recommended by the Organizer, we built and equipped dozens of stands at this event. Just like in previous years, we worked with numerous Exhibitors, including market leaders. We also constructed spaces for the Organizer, including offices, the entrance area, the seminar hall, the exhibition hall, the press center, and an impressive photo wall. Once again, we thank you for your trust, and we are glad to be a partner during this event.

Outdoor fairs have their own unique requirements, and our task is to prepare the booths in such a way that they protect against changing weather conditions while also ensuring the comfort of both guests and staff. It must be said that many of them looked fantastic, thanks to our experienced designers. It’s worth noting that the interior arrangements of the tents were created using our modular eco-technology, partially featuring impressive decorations.